Saturday, July 28, 2007

Misunderstood Alien

It's about time the other side of the story was told!

See the evidence

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How the American Taliban Think

I was browsing Christopher Hitchens clips on Youtube and came across this quick response to his book. Listen to what Ann Coulter says; typical mind set of the right wing religious nut.

If you wonder why I likened her to the Taliban, then maybe this site will give you a clue - American Taliban.

You'll find her right at the top!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blind Watch Maker?

Watched this amasing video that acheives two things. The first is to knock down the strawman watch theory of Intelligent Design. The second is to show just amasing evolution is. Enoy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Views On Atheism

I find this great interview with the late and great Douglas Adams. It's not new, and I had read parts of it before. However it did seem to sum up what my views on atheism are. So I thought I'd drop the link here.

Life, the Universe, and Everything: An Interview with Douglas Adams

Thursday, April 12, 2007


When I first became interested in atheism (when I realised that I was one), I decided to look on the net for other like minded individuals. So, I stuck atheist into Google and whacked the search button. The first link that I followed led me to the atheist forums of a website called CARM (or Christain Apologetics and Research Ministries).

Over the last six months I've been a regular poster to the site, making roughly 1000 posts so far, and knocking up a few reputation points. The trouble is I keep getting banned. One was for "questioning" the moderators; these guys do not like to be questioned.

The thing I have come to realise is that the site is there to try to convert atheists, they are not intersted in discussion because they are right and everyone else is wrong. The difference is stark when compared to the Richard Dawkins forums, here you are more freely able to express yourself, without the risk of being banned.

It's not that I want to be able to insult people, this is not how you have a sensible debate but I find the level of moderation on the site to be very restrictive, and represive.

Perhaps its me? At least I am willing to entertain the thought that perhaps I'm wrong, unlike the people at CARM.